Ausstellungsansicht VIDEONALE.15 (c) Foto David Ertl


Closing weekend of VIDEONALE.15 and announcement of the Videonale Audience Award of KfW Stiftung, April 17-19, 2015

After the seven weeks exhibition at Kunstmuseum, numerous events and very positive feeback, about which we’re more than happy, VIDEONALE.15 comes to an end with the closing weekend (April 17-19). Besides a panel on “The Gallery and the Moving Image. Media-Art-Market: The Business with Video Art”, a presentation of the results of our educational projects, a retrospective on video and conceptual artist Lawrence Weiner retrospective as well as a screening and talk in the context of our Lagos-cooperation project „Changing City – Shifting Spaces“ we will further award the Videonale Audience Award of KfW Stiftung on Sunday, April 19.

You can find the entire Finissage programme here