Statement ARTVILNIUS‘15
The year 2015 will be the sixth year of international contemporary art fair ArtVilnius. The largest Art Fair in the Baltic region ArtVilnius will take a place on the 25-28 of June in the Lithuanian Exhibition and Congress Centre Litexpo.
For the ARTVLNIUS‘15 we expect to select around 70 galleries from 20 countries and to welcome some 20,000 visitors. Our main focus in the fair will be held on one country – Ukraine and its contemporary art galleries. Moreover, we have decided to introduce more video art to the art fair and we are happy to announce that VIDEONALE.15 – Festival for Contemporary Video Art will present a selection of works out of their competition at ARTVILNIUS’15. For this purpose, we especially welcome proposals from galleries to exhibit in their stands artists working with this medium.
ARTVILNIUS‘15 is offering not only a wide selection of contemporary art, but also a lot of important additional events. From the most important ones are best young artist, best artist and the best galleries‘ selection by the panel of judges and visitors. Art fair also offers a programme of conferences, discussions, workshops and various events offered by guest galleries.
More information:
8./9.7.2015 Porto Alegre & 10./11.7.2015 São Paulo
ARTEMOVENDO präsentiert ausgewählte zeitgenössische Videokunst schwerpunktmäßig aus Deutschland, Brasilien und der Schweiz. Das Konzept wurde auf Einladung des Goethe-Instituts Porto Alegre von den Kuratoren Ludwig Seyfarth, Berlin, und Bernardo de Souza, Porto Alegre/Rio de Janeiro, entwickelt.
Die erste Ausgabe von ARTEMOVENDO findet 2015 gleichzeitig in Porto Alegre und in São Paulo unter dem Titel „The Hidden Soul of the Unanimated“ statt. In Porto Alegre werden installative und Single-Channel-Arbeiten in den Ausstellungsräumen der Stadt (Paço Municipal, Galerie Iberê Camargo und Sala P.F.Gastal in der Usina do Gasômetro) sowie in der Galerie des Goethe-Instituts gezeigt. Für São Paulo werden drei Programme mit Single-Channel-Projektionen im Auditorium des Goethe-Instituts präsentiert, begleitet von Panels mit beiden Kuratoren und einzelnen Künstlern.
Videonale on Tour Programm bei ARTEMOVENDO
In Kooperation mit der Videokunstplattform (Anita Beckers, Julia Sökeland) werden die in den Ausstellungen und in den Screening-Programmen gezeigten Filme auch im Internet zu sehen sein.
ARTEMOVENDO ist ein Projekt des Goethe-Instituts Porto Alegre
Athens Digital Arts Festival (ADAF) is an International Festival which celebrates digital culture through an annual gathering bringing together a global community of artists and audiences. Athens Digital Arts Festival aims to encourage, stimulate and promote all aspects of digital creativity by hosting local as well as international artists and communities.
Through its multidisciplinary program Athens Digital Arts Festival offers a wide range of Exhibitions, Screenings, Live Performances, Workshops and International Tributes showcasing artworks that display distinctive characteristics of the digital medium and reflects on its language and aesthetics.
Athens Video Art Festival was founded in 2005 with the intention to offer a platform to video art, installations and live performances. Within the following 10 years, the Festival gradually evolved and included more art forms, such as web art, interactive installations, animation, digital image, performances, applications and workshops, exploring creative aspects of technology and digital culture. In 2012, the Festival introduced the subtitle “International Festival of Digital Arts & New Media” in order to communicate the wide spectrum of its activities and events. As of January 2015, the Festival changed its name into Athens Digital Arts Festival.
More information: